Saturday, October 21, 2006

Sorry it's been so long!

I know it's been awhile, but I have a really good excuse ... I finally got a full-time job!!!! It's an interim position, but it's mine for at least this whole school year. I'm busy, and I'm happy, and I will try to be better about blogging once the dust settles!

Check out (pun intended) the WorldCat search box in the sidebar at the right -- find anything in a library near you, for free!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna,
What a great blog! My 54 year old brain remembered your address as annabrarian. Say what? Your mom had to remind me that it was, instead, librarianna. Well, at least I had the right combo of words, only in the wrong order.
Keep up the good work.
Ann McCrory
Baton Rouge, LA