Thursday, October 27, 2005

Blog identity crisis

Attention all you friendly people who regularly visit my blog, either because you know me or you know someone who knows me and kindly mentions me at his/her own blog:

I need your help.

Librarianna is having an identity crisis. Not Librarianna the cyber-alter-ego of librarian Anna, I mean Librarianna the blog. Librarianna the person is A-OK. Librarianna the blog is very confused.

Because when I started this blog last Spring, I wanted it to be a resource. A place you'd come to find answers to questions when a live librarian was not readily available. An electronic toolbox of informational goodness. I very much did NOT want it to be a journal.

But now I don't know about that.

I still want to talk about library stuff, but instead of telling you how to do tricky Google tricks I'd suddenly rather tell you about working in ten different libraries and how I'm going slowly and quietly nuts keeping track of ten different ways of doing things. Instead of telling you about other people's projects I'd rather tell you funny stories.

So what do you think?

Do you, loyal readers, want more talk and less learning? Or do you find Librarianna's lack of blathering an oasis in the chatty blog sea?

Do tell. I'm listening...


Anonymous said...

go for the journal! and you can keep giving all your loyal (and random) readers awesome library and google tips at the same time.

Patrick said...

I vote Journal. Inquiring minds want to know. . .

Lou Ann Aepelbacher said...

BOTH! I think that if you do the JOURNAL thing, the RESOURCE stuff will come out anyway (I mean, come on ... you ARE a librarian, aren't you!!??)

Kate said...

more talk!!!

tuckmac said...

I'm going to have to agree with all your other friends here...

Journals are great. I do political and religious ranting in my blog, yeah... But I also do "day to day" Tuckmac sorts of stuff...

It's fun... It gives people from all over a chance to know what's up, and how you are... Etc... Etc...
