Thursday, August 03, 2006

LibraryThing is the greatest thing ... ever!

Okay, so I heard about LibraryThing ages ago, and even recommended it to Pat, but, like so many of the new-cool-tech-toys I hear about, I didn't take the time to really play with it ... until now (oodles of time on my hands, remember?)

Let me just say that my world has been well and truly rocked. It's this amazing toy/tool that lets you catalog your books online ... [if you're falling asleep already, you might want to stop reading, 'cause it's about to get nerdier] ... and, not only can you catalog "for real" with cover images, LC numbers, ISBNs, and all the rest, but you also get to tag your books (which means tag clouds, which you already know I geek out on), and there's even a social aspect so you can see who has your same books. (I know I know, let's all quote it together: So it's sorta social, demented and sad, but social.) Anyway, so far 407 librarians are part of the Librarians who LibraryThing group. Cool.

So far I'm just cataloging all of the books I've already read and tagging them with the month I read them (I keep a list) ... here's what I read in July 2005, which gives you a good snapshot of my all-over-the-place reading taste:
So go play with it, start your own, and tell me what you think! Here's the link to my catalog: and you can see my top 5 authors in the widget at the right side of my blog. Pretty groovy, eh?


Patrick said...

I LOVE Librarything. I've had a widget on my blog for a while. I'd really like for them to include a widget that displays your ratings, so that I could put the last five books I read and have the ratings display

tuckmac said...


I remember you going on about this before. I think I looked at it. I think it's a really neato thing (but then I'm a geek too).

But... When it comes to "Cataloguing" all of your books... Isn't it a bit time consuming? I mean, even if you could type in just the ISBN or something (can you do that?) wouldn't that take just like, well...DAYS OF PAIN AND TORMENT???

I have quite a few books, like... Well, there isn't really a simile or metaphor that really would be appropriate to my book collection.

I guess the idea of "catalogue your library" is a wonderful (though geeky) one. But... The work involved?!?!?!?!

Librarianna said...

Tuck -- sure it takes awhile but isn't that the whole point of geeking out about something, that it sucks you in for a few days?

It "only" took me 4 days to catalog all 480+ books I've read since 1997, but I was working from a list, and I type superfast, so it wasn't like I was walking back & forth from the bookshelves ...

tuckmac said...

Perhaps that's the trick then...

See... You already were a library geek, to have a "list" on paper. And transferring it to the web was just a normal escalation in geekiness.

However, those of us who do not already have a list, probably aren't cut out to do the "Librarything."

You're so cute it's amazing.


-- T