Friday, August 19, 2005

Encountering a "Georger"

So I blogged a little while ago about BookCrossing, the world-wide project where people leave their already-read books in public places for new readers to find. The guy that started it got the idea from Where's George, which tracks dollar bills in the same way.

Today a lady with out-of-state license plates came into the library. She wanted to use the Internet, and once online she proceeded to pull out a wad of ones with stamps all over them. She said "oh cool!" really loudly, and I smilingly said "what's cool?" and she said "this bill's from a fourth grade class project!"

Uber-librarian that I am, I replied: "Where's George, right?" Turns out she's "a Georger", as the die-hard dollar-trackers call themselves, and she goes to WG conventions all over the country.

After we'd chatted a while, I said "Do you know about the one for books called BookCrossing?" At which point she squealed with genuine glee -- turns out I'm only the second librarian in all her travels to have heard of BookCrossing.

Which means two things -- 1) woohoo me, woohoo some librarian in Illinois; and 2) BookCrossing's still too well-kept a secret.

So spread the word! Here's how to put the little running book dude on your site.

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